//Op-ed: Out-of-touch County Council members threaten Greenville’s prosperity

Op-ed: Out-of-touch County Council members threaten Greenville’s prosperity

By Lee Taylor

I dislike generalities; they very likely insult someone in the group. Along those lines, let’s make clear: The majority of our 12-member Greenville County Council lives in the world of 2020, where we realize discrimination of any kind does not best serve the interests of the community. Further, we can say with pride that Greenville is not just any community. It is a thriving, prosperous community, admired both nationallyand internationally, an image intentionally crafted by decades of farsighted leadership.

There is a group of men, elected officials currently serving on County Council, who think their vision is superior. A vision of discrimination. A vision of second-class citizens. A vision that says it’s appropriate for elected officials to render judgement as if on behalf of God.

Five members of the Greenville County Council believe they are in the judgement business. They believe their vision of discrimination and second-class citizens is what Greenville wants and apparently needs. I believe we should let Willis Meadows, Mike Barnes, Sid Cates, Bob Taylor and Joe Dill know that their short-sighted vision of discrimination and their desire to return to the “good ol’ days” of the last century are embarrassing from a moral standpoint and destructive from the standpoint of the financial well-being of our community.

Greenville is better than that. We are better than that.


D. Lee Turner
Greenville, S.C.

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