//What You Need To Know Before Starting a Family
What You Need To Know Before Starting a Family

What You Need To Know Before Starting a Family

Bringing a child into the world with your partner is a beautiful thing, but it isn’t easy to know when you’re ready. With emotions, finances, and health to consider, here’s what you need to know before starting a family.

Are You Emotionally Ready for It?

As soon as you have a child, nothing else in your life will matter as much as your child. All your waking moments, and many of your sleeping ones, will be devoted to caring for the new life you have created.

Confirming that you’re ready is all about answering “yes” to this question: Can you see yourself as a parent? There are no hard-and-fast rules for when it’s time for a child, so it comes down to your discretion. If being utterly devoted to this new being sounds like something you want with all your heart, then that is a very good sign.

Are Your Finances in Order?

Think about everything your parents paid for after they had you. Not only does a new child require a crib, clothing, and diapers galore, but costs will only continue and increase as they age. A newborn can cost $20,000-$50,000 during the first year alone, so prepare yourself for that eventuality.

Are You Doing It for You?

Are you feeling pressure from your parents to start a family? You should only move forward if this is something that you and your partner want. It is extremely challenging to make the choice for yourself when you’re getting outside pressure, but it is as important as it is difficult.

If both you and your parents want it to happen, great! Reach out to them to discuss how they can help in the first months after you’ve had your child.

What’s Your Pregnancy Plan?

Once you’ve figured out all of the above, it’s time to start planning for a healthy pregnancy. You’ll want to find an ob-gyn, optimize your diet, and get ready to experience some truly remarkable changes to your body. Pregnancy is a significant undertaking, so do everything you can to make the process as smooth as possible.

Now that you have a sense of what you need to know before starting a family, determine if this is right for you. If it is, congratulations! Enjoy this next phase of your life as you create an amazing family.