//What happens if the president is too sick to do the job?

What happens if the president is too sick to do the job?

The 25th Amendment created a process by which the president can temporarily give up his powers — or have them taken from him — because he is deemed “unable” to do the job. | Erin Schaff/Getty Images

The 25th Amendment, explained.

What happens if the president of the United States becomes too sick to do the job?

It’s a question that’s arisen several times in American history, and may be newly relevant now that President Donald Trump has tested positive for the coronavirus.

It’s entirely possible the president’s case remains as “mild” as the White House currently says it is, and that he recovers quickly. But naturally, when the leader of a global superpower comes down with a deadly virus, it’s worth looking into what the contingency plans are should he take a turn for the worse.

Of course we all know that if