//There’s One Easy Way Roger Goodell Can Win His “Rematch” With Donald Trump: TRAINA THOUGHTS

There’s One Easy Way Roger Goodell Can Win His “Rematch” With Donald Trump: TRAINA THOUGHTS

When it comes to backlash over players kneeling, Roger Goodell should do one thing

1. Following Roger Goodell’s video message on Friday and Donald Trump’s tweet about Roger Goodell’s video message, many people are expecting, “The Rematch.”

The league and the White House battled once before in 2017 about players kneeling during the national anthem (which shouldn’t be played at sporting events), with Trump calling the players “sons of bitches” and the NFL folding like a tent and implementing a rule that said players can’t kneel on the field.

But there shouldn’t be a “rematch” this time around. 

Forgive me for the terrible cliche, but it takes two to tango. The NFL shouldn’t tango. Of course, this would also require the NFL to not be afraid of Trump, Fox News and MAGA. The league also has to be OK with losing a few bucks, if it even gets to that point.

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