//SC Dept. of Education launches Online Remote Learning Portal for teachers, parents, & students

SC Dept. of Education launches Online Remote Learning Portal for teachers, parents, & students

COLUMBIA, SC (FOX Carolina) – The South Carolina Department of Education said s teachers, parents, and students adjust to a “new and unprecedented way of learning,” the department has launched <a href=”http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=0013aklKLO0547eOETRX7oOFlCcX_UNQwZG-ufyqEcQXrdxEQZebp_w2hlqNP_TC3l5nnfxPScxoHfG0rNdr6-cwE0EpWl7kfu4c6g9AhC0NHl3RszmqLmoct6EE4a23XIGhv6je6MZQuzSvXp97_dBZw==&amp;c=dVgdewvRQviQpig0ixj5PDk1-ynzUlPeo0zgWJA7T4ltd9A1elWsLw==&amp;ch=gxBSxVRGOVSwwlC8VcAxRb_1hF5K-7zqURa3lYWgPXdVZlLjH0Pk4w==” target=”_blank”>SCRemoteLearning.com</a>, to offer even more digital teaching and learning resources.

“I know that remote learning can be challenging