//Iowa farmers stand by each other

Iowa farmers stand by each other

“Anytime anybody’s in need—friend, family—I’m not the only one, there’s a lot of people they’re going to step up,” said Jeff Johnson.When these two Iowa farmers weren’t able to do their work, their farming families did. In Dayton, cancer treatments prevented Craig Peterson from combining his 270 acres. “The guys finally said, ‘Just relax. We’ll take care of ya, don’t worry,’” said Kent Peterson.Craig’s son Kent and his coffee buddies organized nine combines in one day. Even the grandkids lent a hand. The teamwork got a week-long job completed by noon in one day. “It brought a lot of people to tears, including him. And just how much support he’s got it’s pretty amazing now,” said Kent Peterson.In Warren County — a similar story. When farmer Mark Putney broke his back in an ATV accident, his back brace stopped him from harvesting his corn on time, his friends pitched in.“They have corn and beans to harvest today, but they stopped what they were doing to come help me try to catch up,” said Mark Putney.Many of them drove more than 20 miles with their own combines.”People were just jumping at the opportunity to come and help Mark. It wasn’t a hard deal to get going,” said Jeff Johnson.”If something was happening to any of us today or next week, Mark would be the first one to join us,” said Del Johnson. “I’m usually on the other end of the spectrum than I am on the receiving end of it,” said Mark Putney.Together, these farmers teach us what it means to be selfless. “Within this community, we just show that we help support each other no matter if they have a minor break down or major issues,” said Kent Peterson.

“Anytime anybody’s in need—friend, family—I’m not the only one, there’s a lot of people they’re going to step up,” said Jeff Johnson.


When these two Iowa farmers weren’t able to do their work, their farming families did.

In Dayton, cancer treatments prevented Craig Peterson from combining his 270 acres.

“The guys finally said, ‘Just relax. We’ll take care of ya, don’t worry,’” said Kent Peterson.

Craig’s son Kent and his coffee buddies organized nine combines in one day. Even the grandkids lent a hand. The teamwork got a week-long job completed by noon in one day.

“It brought a lot of people to tears, including him. And just how much support he’s got it’s pretty amazing now,” said Kent Peterson.

In Warren County — a similar story. When farmer Mark Putney broke his back in an ATV accident, his back brace stopped him from harvesting his corn on time, his friends pitched in.

“They have corn and beans to harvest today, but they stopped what they were doing to come help me try to catch up,” said Mark Putney.

Many of them drove more than 20 miles with their own combines.

“People were just jumping at the opportunity to come and help Mark. It wasn’t a hard deal to get going,” said Jeff Johnson.

“If something was happening to any of us today or next week, Mark would be the first one to join us,” said Del Johnson.

“I’m usually on the other end of the spectrum than I am on the receiving end of it,” said Mark Putney.

Together, these farmers teach us what it means to be selfless.

“Within this community, we just show that we help support each other no matter if they have a minor break down or major issues,” said Kent Peterson.