//How to Write the Perfect Ending to a Baseball Game in Seven Steps

How to Write the Perfect Ending to a Baseball Game in Seven Steps

The baseball gods conspired to give us the perfect World Series walk-off on Saturday night.

The win-expectancy graph tells the story as well as anything—a series of jagged back-and-forths, dipping and lurching over the course of a tense few hours, before a spectacular rise at the last second to a final place of clarity. It looks bonkers. The typical metaphor for these graphs is a roller coaster, but if this one had been a roller coaster, it would have killed you. It suggests, accurately, the scale of the bottom of the ninth of Game 4 of the 2020 World Series.

The graph accurately communicates the scale. But it does not convey the experience. So here is all that the graph is missing—here is how the universe sculpts the perfect baseball ending.

1) Set It Up

Stuff it with drama. The game is a must-win for the Rays, down 2-1 in the series,