//How the US hopes to avoid bottlenecks in much-needed vaccine supplies 

How the US hopes to avoid bottlenecks in much-needed vaccine supplies 

In preparation for a Covid-19 vaccine, the glass company Corning is increasing production of its pharmaceutical vials. | Corning

The US needs everything from freezers to specialty glass to distribute a vaccine.

The first shipments of Covid-19 vaccines could be just days away, as the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna shots await regulatory approval. Within 24 hours of the Food and Drug Administration’s go-ahead, either of these vaccines could begin shipping throughout the US in weeks, if not days.

The vaccines’ successful journey from the pharmaceutical companies’ manufacturers to Americans’ immune systems will require more than just the vaccine itself. The inoculation of more than 300 million people in the United States will require everything from glass vials to syringes to sophisticated cooling systems. But since this summer, there has been fear that the production of these