//A millennial moved back in with her parents. Her mom maybe wants her to stay forever.

A millennial moved back in with her parents. Her mom maybe wants her to stay forever.

Betty Kao and her daughter Kathy are living together for the first time in 10 years because of the pandemic. | Courtesy of Stephen Pao

52 percent of US adults under 30 are now living at home, many because of Covid-19. Here’s how it’s going for one family.

Part of The Home Issue of The Highlight, our home for ambitious stories that explain our world.

Earlier this year, Kathy Pao, 28, was living in Washington, DC, with two roommates in a townhouse and working as a management analyst for the federal government. Then Covid-19 hit and her roommates moved home to California: one permanently, and the other for long periods, to stay with family. Not wanting to live alone, Kathy decided to do what more than half of 18- to 29-year-olds have already done: move back in