//SC Election Commission: Candidate filing period opens as scheduled, with certain coronavirus precautions in place

SC Election Commission: Candidate filing period opens as scheduled, with certain coronavirus precautions in place

The S.C. State Election Commission (SEC) said the filing period for candidates who want to run for office in the November general election opened as scheduled at noon Monday, only with additional health and safety precautions in place doe to the coronavirus out break.

The filing period will close at noon on March 30, 2020. All partisan candidates seeking office in the November 3, 2020 General Election must file during this period.

The SEC said the following steps are being taken to ensure the health and safety of candidates and election officials at state and local offices:

Providing hand sanitizing stations.Frequent cleaning of common surfaces.Providing one-time use pens for signing documents. Candidates are also encouraged to bring their own pen.Providing signage to remind staff and visitors to practice good hygiene and social distancing, including refraining from shaking hands.Encouraging candidates to make an appointment to file. Appointments will be spaced 15 minutes apart to reduce the number of candidates in the office at the same time. Appointments are optional.Ensuring candidates are aware of the option to file by agent. This option may be particularly helpful to candidates who have underlying health conditions, are self-isolating, or are quarantined. Candidates may have any other person deliver a notarized Statement of Intention of Candidacy & Party Pledge form and any necessary filing fee check to the appropriate filing office.Designating appropriate staff as essential personnel to provide for ongoing operation in the event of state or county office closures.Training adequate backup staff to ensure continuity of operations in the event staff must be absent due to the impact of the virus.

For details on candidate filing, visit: <a href=”https://protect-us.mimecast.com/s/B4AtCqxoxLs8qlyP3IZCb3J?domain=scvotes.org”>https://www.scvotes.org/candidate-information</a>.