Streaming web cam on top of Paris Mountain in Greenville South Carolina.
Paris Mountain lies in the Piedmont region of the United States. The mountain is a monadnock, a mountain that stands alone in an area. The word “monadnock” comes from Mount Monadnock in New Hampshire. The elevation of Paris Mountain exceeds 2,000 feet (609.6 m).[16] The Piedmont region where Paris Mountain is located is a raised plateau. The Piedmont, which means “foot of the mountain”, covers a third of South Carolina and contains several other monadnocks in addition to Paris Mountain.[17]
Things to Do in Greenville and The Upstate of South Carolina

Preview The Week Ahead in Greenville, South Carolina
Check out all the events, Live Music, Food Truck Events and Kids’ Activities Going on this Week in Greenville, South Carolina.

Camping Around Greenville: Guide to Upstate Camping Sites
Nicole Rabbitt With summer just around the corner and the weather starting to warm up, it’s that time of the year to get outdoors! The Upstate is known for its beautiful nature, mountains, and lakes, hiking trails, and more making it a perfect place to find a campground and sleep in nature. Whether you prefer…

Upstate South Carolina Waterfall Map
Here are over 70 waterfalls within easy driving distance to Greenville, South Carolina. Get out and enjoy the incredible natural resources found in the Upstate of South Carolina. You can find more great outdoor resources at out partner Upcountry South Carolina’s website….

The Greenville Zoo Welcomes You Back! What You Need to Know
The Greenville Zoo is open! For the health and safety of our staff, animals, and guests, new guidelines have been implemented to make your visit as safe and enjoyable as possible.

The Children’s Museum of the Upstate Officially Re-Opens: What You Need to Know
The Children’s Museum of the Upstate officially opened to the public on July 7!
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