//People of Greenville Podcast: Dana Blackhurst
people of greenville podcast

People of Greenville Podcast: Dana Blackhurst

In a new episode of the People of Greenville Podcast, Dana Blackhurst talks about his career in academia and the challenges of educating students during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dana is a nationally-recognized educator of and authority on students with dyslexia and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of learning differences/disabilities to the Chandler School. Affiliated with the International Dyslexia Foundation since 1972, he has served on multiple advisory boards including the International Dyslexia Foundation (IDA) Board, The South-Carolina-based Child’s Haven Board, the Board of Directors for the Andre Agassi Preparatory Charter School and the Board of Marshall University’s H.E.L.P Center.
Learn more at https://thechandlerschool.org

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