//Nursing homes are especially vulnerable to Covid-19. Here’s what it’s like to work in one.

Nursing homes are especially vulnerable to Covid-19. Here’s what it’s like to work in one.

Nursing homes around the country have been hit hard by Covid-19. | Getty Images

A third of US coronavirus deaths have happened in nursing homes. Here’s what workers are doing to keep residents safe.

The nursing home where Amanda works, in St. Louis, is currently Covid-19 free. She fights to keep it that way every time she clocks in. Amanda, who requested we only use her first name for professional reasons, is a receptionist, but like everyone else, she arrives at her job in full PPE and follows a rigorous disinfectant schedule. She no longer checks friends and family into the facility to see residents; instead, loved ones wave at each other through a window. If visitors bring gifts, Amanda and her colleagues put them on a three-day hold to ensure that any lingering germs are dead before being delivered to their rightful doorstep.