//How to conquer the dread of pandemic winter

How to conquer the dread of pandemic winter

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There’s one simple principle that’s highly effective at making us feel better, psychologists say.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re probably dreading this winter. We know it’s going to be harder to socialize outdoors as the weather gets colder. We also know there’s probably going to be a surge in new Covid-19 infections. Many of us are feeling anxious about how we’re going to make it through the lonely, bleak months ahead.

I see a lot of people trying to cope with this anxiety by drumming up one-off solutions. Buy a fire pit! Better yet, buy a whole house! Those may be perfectly fine ideas, as far as they go — but I’d like to suggest a more effective way to think about reducing your suffering and increasing your happiness this winter.

Instead of thinking about the