//How parents can homeschool kids during coronavirus outbreak

How parents can homeschool kids during coronavirus outbreak

School closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak mean millions of parents and guardians who have grown accustomed to sending their children to school are now faced with the task of educating them at home.The coronavirus has turned caregivers around the world into homeschoolers.This transition is daunting. It’s unfamiliar. And it’s also critically important to ameliorate the disruptions the virus has caused in education for the year.CNN spoke with several parents, teachers and homeschooling experts about how to make the most of homeschooling for your family.Prepare for changesKids accustomed to the school environment won’t be as focused. Lessons won’t be as professional as the ones they’re used to getting. And since local governments are encouraging everyone to minimize interactions with others, socialization will be tough.Kimberly Fox, staff developer for The Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University in New York, said it’s important for parents to suspend disbelief and doubt and