//House passes $1.9T pandemic bill on near party-line vote

House passes $1.9T pandemic bill on near party-line vote

WASHINGTON (AP) — The House approved <a href="https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-personal-taxes-legislation-coronavirus-pandemic-local-governments-2409cc7b60e46ee9f9721b787dd7c623">a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief bill </a>in <a href="https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-bills-coronavirus-pandemic-local-governments-minimum-wage-c543f26d45b39a8cf0113e11ed5f7aaf">a win for President Joe Biden,</a> even as top Democrats tried assuring agitated progressives that they’d revive their derailed drive to boost the minimum wage.

The new president’s vision for flushing cash to individuals,