//Greenville County Schools Meet to Discuss Covid-19 and Attendance Plans
greenville county school

Greenville County Schools Meet to Discuss Covid-19 and Attendance Plans

With the data showing the risk of Covid-19 infection at Greenville County Schools being well below infection rates for the county as a whole, Greenville County Schools are considering plans to get high school students back in class.

View Today’s Greenville School Board Meeting

Greenville County Schools are Considering Two Attendance Plans

Option 1: 70/80% attendance plan: Most students would attend three days one week and four days the next for a total of 7/10 days of every two-week period. Students needing remediation would attend four days each week for a total of 8/10 days of every two-week period. (Any student making a D or F would be a student needing remediation.)

Option 2: 75% attendance plan: All students would attend three of four days Monday through Thursday, plus three out of every four Fridays, for a total of 15/20 days of every four-week period.

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