//Feeling pandemic fatigue? How to boost your mental health

Feeling pandemic fatigue? How to boost your mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on everyone’s mental health, with stress at an all-time high. That means even the smallest decisions can be harder than ever.

In fact, a lot of people are saying it’s become difficult to make even the simplest decisions because of the stress that’s taken over their lives. Psychologists say we’re all experiencing “decision fatigue,” brought on by months of increased stress, which already makes decision making harder.

For example, a trip to the grocery store wasn’t stressful this time a year ago, but now we have to weight the risks when leaving our homes, not to mention the fear over spreading the virus to loved ones.

So how do you beat the mental burnout and stress? Experts say give your brain rest between decisions, such as going for a walk or reading a book. #WakeUpCLT #Stress #COVID19